Our Principles
Dedication to Traditional Shotokan Karate
We adhere to the strict, disciplined practice of JKA Shotokan karate, emphasizing both technical precision and personal development. Our training focuses on kihon (basics), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring), as well as the mental and spiritual growth that karate offers.
Resilience and Adaptability
Just as karate teaches us to adapt to challenges, we embrace resilience in our organizational structure. Despite the challenges of exile and political turbulence, our network continues to flourish, providing training and support to our members wherever they may be.
Global Unity, Local Impact
Though our leadership and many members live outside Belarus, our commitment to supporting JKA karate in Belarus remains strong. We actively engage with members still in the country, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose that transcends geographical and political borders.
Respect for Tradition and Innovation
While we honour the traditional values of karate, we are also open to innovation in how we connect and train. Through online classes, international seminars, and partnerships with other JKA organizations, we ensure that our community stays connected and up-to-date with the latest developments in karate.